exhibition of Niké Nagy painter
Ultramodern Solitude
2024. 06. 13. – 2024. 06. 30.
In the arrogant river of contemporary modernity, because there is another
much more permanent modernity, the sensory tributary represented by the
painting of the artist Nagy Niké appears as a return to the sensitive. With clear
or murky waters, depending on the period and time. With above all an
appearance of evanescent fragility, assimilated to the very rich hours of the
Pre-Raphaelism of the Rossetti brother and sister or to the Baroque
Romanticism of the Savinio Father and son. This means that the transposition
of reality into visual poetry evocative of a parallel but tangible universe,
becomes painting after painting an existential evidence owing nothing to
marketing or fashion. An authentic timeless light signature for a geopoetic
aesthetic wandering is leading the viewer to the confines of another Europe.
That of liberated nations that have become citizen spearheads for an astonishing revenge of the sensitive on nothingness, of poetry on materialism
video by Balázs Tarnóczi
photos by Erika Szabó
Additional info
OPENING: 13th June 2024 at 6 p.m.
Welcome speech: GYULA LUCZA chairman of the board of trustees of the Etyek Workshop Foundation
Opening speech by the curator of the exhibition: prof. SALVATORE LOMBARDO art historian, curator, writer
Contributes: GYÖNGYI ÉCSI folk singer
VENUE: 2091 Etyek, Magyar utca 65.
ON VIEW: until 30th June 2024, Tuesday–Friday 10 am to 5 p.m., or by prior arrangement: +36 20 622 8123 / hello@etyekimuhely.hu
Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma
Nemzeti Kulturális Alap
Magyar Művészeti Akadémia
Begavill Kft.