2024. 12. 05. – 17:45
Advent craft market at the Etyek Workshop before and during the opening of the exhibition of sculptor Ervin Páljános.Felt jewellery and candles by Dóra László-NagyCraft felt figurines by Mrs. Mikulás…
2024. 11. 20. – 16:00
A joint programme of the Petőfi Cultural Programme and the Hungarian National Museum. A selection of the values of Fejér County in the light of the activities of the King…
2024. 11. 20. – 17:15
A joint event of the Petőfi Cultural Programme and the Hungarian National Archives. Workshop – a day of collecting and donating historical documents and photos held by individuals for digitisation.
2024. 09. 14. – 10:00
Getting closer to understand yourself by talking about literary texts. The program is held in Hungarian.
2024. 08. 19. – 2024. 08. 29.
The Symposium of the Etyek Workshop was organised by the third time between 19th and 29th August in Gyermely at the venue of the Széchenyi Foundation, following the traditions of…
2024. 06. 24. – 2024. 06. 28.
The Etyek Workshop Foundation is organizing a creative camp entitled “Dragon” for children aged 7-14 years between 24th–28th June 2024, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
2024. 06. 22. – 18:00
Welcome speech: GYULA LUCZA chairman of the board of trustees of the Etyek Workshop Foundation 6:00 p.m. Guided tour by the artist, NIKÉ NAGY painter at her exhibition ULTRAMODERN…
2024. 06. 01. – 10:00
2024. 05. 04. – 16:00
Composer, flute and accordion player Miquèu Montanaro’s unique journey starts from Provance through the Mediterranean to the most distant musics of the world, integrating their various elements into his own…
2024. 03. 16. – 10:00
2023. 12. 09. – 10:00
2023. 11. 30. – 19:00
2023. 09. 09. – 10:00
2023. 08. 21. – 2023. 08. 30.
The Symposium of the Etyek Workshop was organised by the second time between 21st and 30th August in Gyermely at the venue of the Széchenyi Foundation, following the traditions of…
2023. 06. 24. – 18:00
Pieces from the fruitful material of the parallel life works of the two artists are presented in the exhibition. Both artists were polyhistors in the noble, renaissance meaning of the…
2023. 06. 19. – 2023. 06. 23.
2023. 03. 11. – 10:00
Getting closer to understand yourself by talking about literary texts. The program is held in Hungarian. Borítókép – Varga Zsófi: Rabul ejtett ihlet II. (Zsofi Varga, artist)…
2022. 12. 03. – 10:00
Getting closer to understand yourself by talking about literary texts. The program is held in Hungarian. Kép: Csókos Varga Györgyi…
2022. 09. 10. – 10:00
The program is held in Hungarian.
2022. 08. 22. – 2022. 08. 30.
Between 22nd and 30th August 2022, the Etyek Workshop Foundation organised its first Symposium at Gyermely, at the site of the Széchenyi Foundation Artists’ Camp. The Symposium aims to revive…
2022. 06. 25. – 16:00
On the day of the Night of the Museums, our Gallery offers traditional folkmusic concert with dancehall programme. Visitors may also watch Fülöp Nagy’s short videos and photos about olds…
2022. 06. 20. – 2022. 06. 24.
2022. 06. 11. – 10:00
2022. 04. 24. – 16:00
concert of Miquèu Montanaro and his son, Baltazár Montanaro – Nagy at the Etyek Workshop Gallery…
2022. 03. 19. – 10:00
2021. 12. 10. – 17:00