
An exhibiton was opened on the 7th September from the selection of artworks of the II. Gyermely Symposion organised by the Etyeki Workshop

An exhibiton was opened on the 7th September from the selection of artworks of the II. Gyermely Symposion organised by the Etyeki Workshop

The Symposion of the Etyek Workshop was organised by the second time between 21st and 30th August in Gyermely at the venue of the Széchenyi Foundation, following the traditions of the old art colonies of the Etyek Workshop.

Participating artists: Ferencz Zoltán, Győrffy Sándor, Koroknai Zsolt, Lucza Zsigmond, Maros Lili, Nagy Bertalan, Nagy Niké, dr. Ocskay László

Artifacts selected by Lucza Zsigmond are displayed at the exhibition.