exhibition of Sándor Győrffy visual artist
2023. 10. 26. – 2023. 11. 19.
Monotypes play an important role in his art for a long time. He started his earliest, still traditional, classical technique-made series in 1990, in his studio gained by part of a scholarship in New York.
By coming home, after a longer skip, he returned to this technique in his studio at Kecskemét. The series prepared there is still quite colourful, but he also used various, delicately lined blocks for printing his pictures associating with Monet’s and Klimt’s paintings.
The next series, titled Szárhegy Landscape and Szárhegy Board-fence is more moderate in its colours, approaching monochrome. Here he used tree-cut, as well as found, strongly structured wooden boards.
A few years later at Gyermely he printed newer, more colourful series again, titled Interferences, and Convergence.
He made another series in Salzburg, titled Grating-motif, then in 2010 a 64-piece newer series was completed by using black and white colours on the same blocks, titled: Engravings and structures.
In 2022 he again had the opportunity at Gyermely to work and create 22 new pieces at the studio there, on 100 x 70 and 100 x 50 cm papers. All of these were made by the use of 5-6 or more colourful motives. This series proceeded in the summer of 2023 at the newer art camp organised by the Etyek Workshop Foundation, at Gyermely again. At this time, he completed 12 large monotypes. All these 34 new works will be presented at the Etyek Workshop Gallery.
photos by István Lantos
Additional info
OPENING: 26th October 2023. 6 pm
CURATOR: Zakariás István
WELCOME SPEECH BY: Gyula Lucza chairman of the board of trustees of the Etyek Workshop Foundation
OPENING SPEECH: Ágnes Képiró art historian
VENUE: Etyek 2091 Magyar utca 65.
ON VIEW: until 19th November 2023, Tuesday – Friday 10 am to 5 pm, or by prior arrangement: +36206228123 / muhely.etyek@gmail.com
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Magyar Művészeti Akadémia