
exhibition of Márta M. Kiss painter

Under the Old Juglanses

2024. 04. 11. – 2024. 05. 10.

M(ert). Márta Kiss (1988, Kisfalud, Slovakia)

Márta Kiss studied propaganda graphics at the Jozef Vydra Vocational School of Applied Arts in Bratislava from 2004 to 2008 under the guidance of sculptor Vladimír Kordoš, and in 2014 she graduated with a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Comenius University in Bratislava under the supervision of painter Daniel Brunovský. Since then she has been working as a drawing teacher at the Vámbéry Ármin Primary School in Dunaszerdahely.

She is concerned with the landscape and people of the region – with her characteristic verve and energy, she shows us the everyday life of the people who live here in its reality, with unusual openness, but also with undisguised love and admiration. The rural relationship with village life and the countryside is also reinforced by the use of natural pigments and organic materials (straw, clay, glue). In her monumental canvases, painted with dynamic and highly energetic gestures, the vastness of the countryside of Csallóköz is revealed, as if this is the only place where the landscape meets the sky.

The exhibition, Under the Old Juglanses is a selection of works from the last three years, mostly large-scale paintings, symbolically linked by the walnut tree: the saying goes that a man plants a walnut tree for his grandchild… A walnut tree that conveys strength, reliability and continuity. A walnut tree that embodies thoughts. A tree that holds everything that is important to you in its wide embrace. Everything you could lose.

Dr. Eva Dénesová, art historian

video by Balázs Tarnóczi

Photos by István Lantos

Additional info

OPENING: 11th April 2024 at 6 p.m.


Welcome speech: GYULA LUCZA chairman of the board of trustees of the Etyek Workshop Foundation

Opening speech by the curator of the exhibition: PhDr. EVA DÉNESOVÁ art historian

Music, experimental: JÁNOS ÜRÖGI


VENUE: 2091 Etyek, Magyar utca 65.


ON VIEW: until 10th May 2024, Tuesday–Friday 10 am to 5 p.m., or by prior arrangement: +36 20 622 8123 / hello@etyekimuhely.hu



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