
five sculptors from Biatorbágy


2023. 01. 19. – 2023. 02. 24.

,,Five sculptors living in Biatorbágy display the balance between humans and nature (equilibrium), as well as the problem of imbalance and its remedies, by using different plastic forms of expression. All five sculptors proceed from the experience of the organic world, and they continue mapping the hidden transcendency of the everyday profane through subtle geometrizing abstraction and symbols. Gergely Réka’s meditative sculptures, Gilly Tamás’ exaggerated geometrical amulets, Mata Attila’s expressive wire-works, Lelkes Márk’s elaborately crafted form-collisions, and Márffy Sebestény’s Styrofoam sculptures sensitively carved from marble initiate an exciting and thought-provoking dialogue about the role and duty of contemporary sculpture.” Noémi Szabó art historian

photos by Erika Szabó and István Lantos

Additional info

EXHIBITING ARTISTS: Réka Gergely, Tamás Gilly, Márk Lelkes, Attila Mata, Sebestyén Márffy
CURATOR: Noémi Szabó art historian
OPENING: 19. January 2023. 6 pm
WELCOME SPEECH: Gyula Lucza Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Etyek Workshop Foundation
OPENING SPEECH: Noémi Szabó art historian
VENUE: 2091 Etyek, Magyar utca 65.
ON VIEW: until 24 February 2023, Tuesday – Friday 10 am to 5 pm, or by prior arrangament: 06 20 622 8 123 / muhely.etyek@gmail.com
Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma
Nemzeti Kulturális Alap