
exhibition of Amarilla Knyihár painter and Attila Pokorny sculptor

Exchange of Letters

2023. 03. 04. – 2023. 04. 14.

,,Leaves serve as the central motif of this exhibition. The personal lives and artistic careers of the two artists have been overlapping for decades. They work in different materials, they think differently, yet the topic of their second joint exhibition connects them. In Amarilla’s paintings, natural motifs play a prominent role, while Attila’s natural art and sculptural works feature trees and leaves. As in every exhibition, the works are in dialogue with each other, but this time in the Etyek gallery we are witness to a unique correspondence.”
Katalin T. Nagy

photos by István Lantos

Additional info

CURATOR: Katalin T. Nagy, Németh Lajos-prize winner art historian
OPENING: 4. March 2023. 11 am
WELCOME SPEECH: Gyula Lucza Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Etyek Workshop Foundation
OPENING SPEECH: Katalin Nagy T. Németh Lajos prize winner art historian
CONTRIBUTES: József Csurkulya dulcimer artist
VENUE: 2091 Etyek, Magyar utca 65.
ON VIEW: until 14 April 2023, Tuesday-Friday 10 am to 5 pm, or by prior arrangament: +3620 622 8 123 / muhely.etyek@gmail.com
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