
memorial exhibition of Csákvári Nagy Lajos visual artist

ZEUS 100

2023. 04. 29. – 2023. 05. 14.

Csákvári Nagy Lajos visual artist was born on the 4th April 1923, 100 years ago.
We are devoted to present the versatile artist through his works. Dr. Dávid Katalin art historian, in an opening speech at an exhibition, described him by the followings:
‘Csákvári Nagy Lajos was equally a sculptor, a painter and a graphic artist, and besides these, a master of mosaic: such a person, in whom thoughts are formed by colour and space, plastic forms, planes and lines.’

photos by István Lantos

Additional info

OPENING: 29th April 2023, 3:00 p.m at Etyek Workshop Foundation (Etyek 2091 Magyar utca 65.)

CURATOR: Virág Dományi art historian

WELCOME SPEECH: Gyula Lucza chairman of the board of trustees of the Etyek Workshop Foundation and Zoltán Tessely chairman of the board of trustees of the Pannónia Szíve Foundation, parliamentarian
OPENING SPEECH: Balázs Feledy art writer
CONTRIBUTES: the musician descendants led by Koppány Nagy

SISSY ZHOU – MIQUÉU MONTANARO CONCERT starts at 4.p.m after the opening ceremony.

On view until 14th May 2023, Tuesday-Friday 10 am to 5 pm, or by prior arrangement: 0620 622 8123 / muhely.etyek@gmail.com

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